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Hi, I'm Mariano Guerra, below is my blog, if you want to learn more about me and what I do check a summary here: or find me on twitter @warianoguerra or Mastodon

Riak Core Tutorial Part 8: HTTP API

The content of this chapter is in the 06-http-api branch.

How it Works

We are adding a simple HTTP API to our system, it will run on all nodes and allow us to interact with it from the outside.

We will use the Cowboy 2.0 HTTP Server.

Implementing it

We need to add cowboy as a dependency on rebar.config and

Then in tanodb_app.erl we need to start the HTTP API:

setup_http_api() ->
  Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([{'_', [{"/kv/:bucket/:key", tanodb_h_kv, []}]}]),

  HttpPort = application:get_env(tanodb, http_port, 8080),
  HttpAcceptors = application:get_env(tanodb, http_acceptors, 100),
  HttpMaxConnections = application:get_env(tanodb, http_max_connections, infinity),

  lager:info("Starting HTTP API at port ~p", [HttpPort]),

  {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(tanodb_http_listener,
    [{port, HttpPort},
     {num_acceptors, HttpAcceptors},
     {max_connections, HttpMaxConnections}],
    #{env => #{dispatch => Dispatch}}),


We get the configuration from the environment, which is set by cuttlefish.

The API handler module tanodb_h_kv's main code:

init(ReqIn=#{method := <<"GET">>}, State) ->
    {Bucket, Key} = bindings(ReqIn),
    reply(ReqIn, State, tanodb:get(Bucket, Key));
init(ReqIn=#{method := <<"POST">>}, State) ->
    {Bucket, Key} = bindings(ReqIn),
    {ok, Value, Req1} = read_all_body(ReqIn),
    reply(Req1, State, tanodb:put(Bucket, Key, Value));
init(ReqIn=#{method := <<"DELETE">>}, State) ->
    {Bucket, Key} = bindings(ReqIn),
    reply(ReqIn, State, tanodb:delete(Bucket, Key)).

Trying it

Single Node

We are going to first test it on a single node.

Get key k1 in bucket b1, which doesn't exist yet:

curl -X GET  http://localhost:8098/kv/b1/k1
  "replies": [
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1301649895747835411525156804137939564381064921088"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1255977969581244695331291653115555720016817029120"

Put key k1 in bucket b1 with content hi there:

curl -X POST  http://localhost:8098/kv/b1/k1 -d 'hi there'
  "replies": [
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1301649895747835411525156804137939564381064921088"
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104"
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1255977969581244695331291653115555720016817029120"

Get key k1 in bucket b1, which now exists:

curl -X GET  http://localhost:8098/kv/b1/k1
  "replies": [
      "bucket": "b1",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1301649895747835411525156804137939564381064921088",
      "value": "hi there"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104",
      "value": "hi there"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1255977969581244695331291653115555720016817029120",
      "value": "hi there"

Delete key k1 in bucket b1:

curl -X DELETE  http://localhost:8098/kv/b1/k1
  "replies": [
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1301649895747835411525156804137939564381064921088"
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104"
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1255977969581244695331291653115555720016817029120"

Get key k1 in bucket b1, which shouldn't exist anymore:

curl -X GET  http://localhost:8098/kv/b1/k1
  "replies": [
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1301649895747835411525156804137939564381064921088"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1255977969581244695331291653115555720016817029120"


We are going to test it on a cluster now, notice that the port changes, we are sending each request to a different node.

You can see each node's port on the logs at startup:

[info] Starting HTTP API at port 8198

Get key k1 in bucket b1, which doesn't exist yet:

curl -X GET  http://localhost:8198/kv/b1/k1

Notice the node name on the partition field, it may change for you depending on the state of handoff or how vnodes were distributed.

  "replies": [
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb2@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1301649895747835411525156804137939564381064921088"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb1@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb1@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1255977969581244695331291653115555720016817029120"

Put key k1 in bucket b1 with content hi there:

curl -X POST  http://localhost:8298/kv/b1/k1 -d 'hi there'
  "replies": [
      "node": "tanodb1@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1255977969581244695331291653115555720016817029120"
      "node": "tanodb1@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104"
      "node": "tanodb2@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1301649895747835411525156804137939564381064921088"

Get key k1 in bucket b1, which now exists:

curl -X GET  http://localhost:8398/kv/b1/k1
  "replies": [
      "bucket": "b1",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb1@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104",
      "value": "hi there"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb1@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1255977969581244695331291653115555720016817029120",
      "value": "hi there"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb2@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1301649895747835411525156804137939564381064921088",
      "value": "hi there"

Delete key k1 in bucket b1:

curl -X DELETE  http://localhost:8198/kv/b1/k1
  "replies": [
      "node": "tanodb2@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1301649895747835411525156804137939564381064921088"
      "node": "tanodb1@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104"
      "node": "tanodb1@",
      "ok": true,
      "partition": "1255977969581244695331291653115555720016817029120"

Get key k1 in bucket b1, which shouldn't exist anymore:

curl -X GET  http://localhost:8298/kv/b1/k1
  "replies": [
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb1@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb1@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1255977969581244695331291653115555720016817029120"
      "bucket": "b1",
      "error": "not_found",
      "key": "k1",
      "node": "tanodb2@",
      "ok": false,
      "partition": "1301649895747835411525156804137939564381064921088"