Playing with Lasp and CRDTs
For a long time I was looking for some time to play with Lasp:
Lasp is a suite of libraries aimed at providing a comprehensive programming system for planetary scale Elixir and Erlang applications.
Yesterday I had some time and played a little bit with it, and thanks to the help from @cmeik and @vitorenesduarte I got some code running and understood some things.
Here is what I achieved until now, note that I'm learning this stuff so I may say many things that are wrong, I will try to get people to review it and update it with the corrections.
Some initial snippets of code we will reuse:
% clear all variable bindings f(). Key1 = <<"key1">>. Key2 = <<"key2">>. Timestamp = fun () -> erlang:unique_integer([monotonic, positive]) end.
A map with any type as value
If we want to have data which can be represented as a dict/map/key-value mapping, there are multiple alternatives we can use in lasp, here we will explore some.
First we are going to use an AwMap CRDT as a map which is defined as:
A dictionary where keys can be anything and the values are causal-CRDTs.
Since values must be casual-CRDTs we can't use a bare erlang type as value nor a non causal-CRDT type like lwwregister, which we will use later with another map type.
AwMapType = {state_awmap, [state_mvregister]}. AwMapVarName = <<"awmap">>. AwMapVal = #{what => i_am_an_awmap_value}. % declare the variable {ok, {AwMap, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({AwMapVarName, AwMapType}, AwMapType). % update its content setting Key1 = AwMapVal {ok, {AwMap1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AwMap, {apply, Key1, {set, Timestamp(), AwMapVal}}, self()). % timestamp argument is not needed in mvregister, it's only for compatibility % with lwwregister {ok, _} = lasp:update(AwMap, {apply, Key1, {set, nil, AwMapVal}}, self()). % get the value {ok, AwMapRes} = lasp:query(AwMap1). AwMapRes. % {ok,[{<<"key1">>, {set, ...#{what => i_am_an_awmap_value} ... }}]} [{_, AwMapSet}] = AwMapRes. sets:to_list(AwMapSet). % [#{what => i_am_an_awmap_value}]
We can also use a GMap CRDT (Grow Only Map, keys can't be removed):
A dictionary where keys can be anything and the values are join-semilattices.
In this case we can use non causal-CRDTs as values, to make it a little different we are going to use another register type, a lwwregister
GMapType = {state_gmap, [state_lwwregister]}. GMapVarName = <<"gmap">>. GMapVal = #{what => i_am_a_gmap_value}. {ok, {GMap, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({GMapVarName, GMapType}, GMapType). {ok, {GMap1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GMap, {apply, Key1, {set, Timestamp(), GMapVal}}, self()). {ok, GMapRes} = lasp:query(GMap1). GMapRes. % [{<<"key1">>,#{thing => 42,what => i_am_a_gmap_value}}] [{_, GMapResVal}] = GMapRes. GMapResVal. % #{what => i_am_a_gmap_value}
We can use a gmap with an ivar as value type, an ivar is a register that can only be set once.
GMapIVarType = {state_gmap, [state_ivar]}. GMapIVarVarName = <<"gmapivar">>. GMapIVarVal1 = #{what => i_am_a_gmap_ivar_value}. GMapIVarVal2 = #{what => i_am_a_gmap_ivar_update}. {ok, {GMapIVar, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({GMapIVarVarName, GMapIVarType}, GMapIVarType). {ok, {GMapIVar1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GMapIVar, {apply, Key1, {set, GMapIVarVal1}}, self()). % try updating it, will throw an error (the value of GMapIVar1 will be lost) {ok, {GMapIVar2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GMapIVar1, {apply, Key1, {set, GMapIVarVal2}}, self()). {ok, GMapIVarRes} = lasp:query(GMapIVar1). GMapIVarRes. [{_, GMapIVarResVal}] = GMapIVarRes. GMapIVarResVal. % #{what => i_am_a_gmap_ivar_value}
My examples are all maps with some value type because that's the use case I'm most interested, here's a list of types and their operations:
- true
Can be set to true once
BoolType = state_boolean. BoolVarName = <<"boolvar">>. {ok, {Bool, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({BoolVarName, BoolType}, BoolType). {ok, {Bool1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(Bool, true, self()). {ok, BoolRes} = lasp:query(Bool1). BoolRes. % true
Enable-Wins Flag CRDT
- enable
Enable the flag
- disable
Disable the flag
EWType = state_ewflag. EWVarName = <<"ewvar">>. {ok, {EW, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({EWVarName, EWType}, EWType). {ok, {EW1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(EW, enable, self()). {ok, EWRes1} = lasp:query(EW1). {ok, {EW2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(EW1, disable, self()). {ok, EWRes2} = lasp:query(EW2). {ok, {EW3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(EW2, enable, self()). {ok, EWRes3} = lasp:query(EW3). EWRes1. % true EWRes2. % false EWRes3. % true
Disable-Wins Flag CRDT Follows the same strategy used in Enable-Wins Flag but, instead of creating a new dot when enabling the flag, we create a new dot when disabling it.
- enable
Enable the flag
- disable
Disable the flag
DWType = state_dwflag. DWVarName = <<"dwvar">>. {ok, {DW, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({DWVarName, DWType}, DWType). {ok, {DW1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(DW, enable, self()). {ok, DWRes1} = lasp:query(DW1). {ok, {DW2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(DW1, disable, self()). {ok, DWRes2} = lasp:query(DW2). {ok, {DW3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(DW2, enable, self()). {ok, DWRes3} = lasp:query(DW3). DWRes1. % true DWRes2. % false DWRes3. % true
GCounter CRDT: grow only counter
- increment
Increment the counter by 1
GCountType = state_gcounter. GCountVarName = <<"gcountvar">>. {ok, {GCount, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({GCountVarName, GCountType}, GCountType). {ok, {GCount1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GCount, increment, self()). {ok, GCountRes1} = lasp:query(GCount1). {ok, {GCount2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GCount1, increment, self()). {ok, GCountRes2} = lasp:query(GCount2). {ok, {GCount3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GCount2, increment, self()). {ok, GCountRes3} = lasp:query(GCount3). GCountRes1. % 1 GCountRes2. % 2 GCountRes3. % 3
Some more I don't get completely what they could be used for:
Modeled as a pair where the first component is a PNCounter and the second component is a GMap.
This counter has sub counter for different ids (actors), each of which can't go below 0, with this you can model things like seats or some resource where you allocate counts to different parties (actors) and each can decrement their own count but not others, also each counter can't go below 0, if a given actor needs to decrement it has to move counts from other actor.
- {move, term()}
Moves permissions to decrement to another replica (if it has enough permissions)
- increment
Increment counter, can always happen
- decrement
Decrement counter, can happen when the replica has enough local increments, or has permissions received from other replicas
BCountType = state_bcounter. BCountVarName = <<"bcountvar">>. Actor1 = self(). Actor2 = <<"actor2-id">>. {ok, {BCount, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({BCountVarName, BCountType}, BCountType). {ok, {BCount1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(BCount, increment, Actor1). {ok, BCountRes1} = lasp:query(BCount1). {ok, {BCount2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(BCount1, increment, Actor2). {ok, BCountRes2} = lasp:query(BCount2). {ok, {BCount3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(BCount2, decrement, Actor1). {ok, BCountRes3} = lasp:query(BCount3). % here Actor1 has counter set to 0, can't go below 0, if it want's to % decrement it has to move a 1 from another actor, Actor2 has 1 in its % counter so we will move it and then decrement BCountMoveFrom = Actor2. BCountMoveTo = Actor1. {ok, {BCount4, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(BCount3, {move, 1, BCountMoveTo}, BCountMoveFrom). % now we can decrement from Actor1 {ok, {BCount5, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(BCount4, decrement, Actor1). {ok, BCountRes5} = lasp:query(BCount5). BCountRes1. % 1 BCountRes2. % 2 BCountRes3. % 1 BCountRes5. % 0
MaxIntType = state_max_int. MaxIntVarName = <<"maxintvar">>. {ok, {MaxInt, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({MaxIntVarName, MaxIntType}, MaxIntType). {ok, {MaxInt1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(MaxInt, increment, self()). {ok, MaxIntRes1} = lasp:query(MaxInt1). {ok, {MaxInt2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(MaxInt1, increment, self()). {ok, MaxIntRes2} = lasp:query(MaxInt2). {ok, {MaxInt3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(MaxInt2, increment, self()). {ok, MaxIntRes3} = lasp:query(MaxInt3). MaxIntRes1. % 1 MaxIntRes2. % 2 MaxIntRes3. % 3
LCountType = state_lexcounter. LCountVarName = <<"lexcountvar">>. {ok, {LCount, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({LCountVarName, LCountType}, LCountType). {ok, {LCount1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(LCount, increment, self()). {ok, LCountRes1} = lasp:query(LCount1). {ok, {LCount2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(LCount1, increment, self()). {ok, LCountRes2} = lasp:query(LCount2). {ok, {LCount3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(LCount2, decrement, self()). {ok, LCountRes3} = lasp:query(LCount3). LCountRes1. % 1 LCountRes2. % 2 LCountRes3. % 1
Counter that allows both increments and decrements. Modeled as a dictionary where keys are replicas ids and values are pairs where the first component is the number of increments and the second component is the number of decrements. An actor may only update its own entry in the dictionary. The value of the counter is the sum of all first components minus the sum of all second components.
PNCountType = state_pncounter. PNCountVarName = <<"pncountvar">>. {ok, {PNCount, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({PNCountVarName, PNCountType}, PNCountType). {ok, {PNCount1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(PNCount, increment, self()). {ok, PNCountRes1} = lasp:query(PNCount1). {ok, {PNCount2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(PNCount1, increment, self()). {ok, PNCountRes2} = lasp:query(PNCount2). {ok, {PNCount3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(PNCount2, decrement, self()). {ok, PNCountRes3} = lasp:query(PNCount3). PNCountRes1. % 1 PNCountRes2. % 2 PNCountRes3. % 1
We assume timestamp are unique, totally ordered and consistent with causal order. We use integers as timestamps. When using this, make sure you provide globally unique timestamps.
- {set, Timestamp, Value}
Set register to Value
LWWRegType = state_lwwregister. LWWRegVarName = <<"lwwregister">>. {ok, {LWWReg, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({LWWRegVarName, LWWRegType}, LWWRegType). {ok, {LWWReg1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(LWWReg, {set, Timestamp(), foo}, self()). {ok, LWWRegRes1} = lasp:query(LWWReg1). {ok, {LWWReg2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(LWWReg1, {set, Timestamp(), bar}, self()). {ok, LWWRegRes2} = lasp:query(LWWReg2). {ok, {LWWReg3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(LWWReg2, {set, Timestamp(), baz}, self()). {ok, LWWRegRes3} = lasp:query(LWWReg3). LWWRegRes1. % foo LWWRegRes2. % bar LWWRegRes3. % baz
Single-assignment variable. Write once register.
- {set, Value}
Set register to Value (only possible once)
IVarRegType = state_ivar. IVarRegVarName = <<"ivar">>. {ok, {IVarReg, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({IVarRegVarName, IVarRegType}, IVarRegType). {ok, {IVarReg1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(IVarReg, {set, foo}, self()). {ok, IVarRegRes1} = lasp:query(IVarReg1). IVarRegRes1. % foo
Multi-Value Register CRDT.
- {set, Timestamp, Value}
the Timestamp will not be used. in order to have an unified API for all registers (since LWWRegister needs to receive a timestamp), the timestamp is also supplied here
MVRegType = state_mvregister. MVRegVarName = <<"mvregister">>. {ok, {MVReg, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({MVRegVarName, MVRegType}, MVRegType). {ok, {MVReg1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(MVReg, {set, Timestamp(), foo}, self()). {ok, MVRegRes1} = lasp:query(MVReg1). {ok, {MVReg2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(MVReg1, {set, nil, bar}, self()). {ok, MVRegRes2} = lasp:query(MVReg2). {ok, {MVReg3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(MVReg2, {set, Timestamp(), baz}, self()). {ok, MVRegRes3} = lasp:query(MVReg3). sets:to_list(MVRegRes1). % [foo] sets:to_list(MVRegRes2). % [bar] sets:to_list(MVRegRes3). % [baz]
Modeled as a dictionary where keys can be anything and the values are causal-CRDTs.
- {apply, Key, Op}
Update Key with operation Op (since value is a type, you have to supply an operation, for example if it's a register it may be set, if it's a counter it could be increment).
- {rmv, Key}
Remove Key
AwMapType = {state_awmap, [state_mvregister]}. AwMapVarName = <<"awmap">>. AwMapVal1 = foo. AwMapVal2 = bar. {ok, {AwMap, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({AwMapVarName, AwMapType}, AwMapType). {ok, {AwMap1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AwMap, {apply, Key1, {set, Timestamp(), AwMapVal1}}, self()). {ok, {AwMap2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AwMap1, {apply, Key1, {set, Timestamp(), AwMapVal2}}, self()). {ok, {AwMap3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AwMap2, {apply, Key2, {set, Timestamp(), AwMapVal1}}, self()). {ok, AwMapRes3} = lasp:query(AwMap3). {ok, {AwMap4, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AwMap3, {rmv, Key2}, self()). {ok, AwMapRes4} = lasp:query(AwMap4). % before removing Key2 [{K, sets:to_list(V)} || {K, V} <- AwMapRes3]. % [{<<"key1">>,[bar]},{<<"key2">>,[foo]}] [{K, sets:to_list(V)} || {K, V} <- AwMapRes4]. % [{<<"key1">>,[bar]}]
Grow only map. Modeled as a dictionary where keys can be anything and the values are join-semilattices.
- {apply, Key, Op}
Update Key with operation Op (since value is a type, you have to supply an operation, for example if it's a register it may be set, if it's a counter it could be increment).
GMapType = {state_gmap, [state_lwwregister]}. GMapVarName = <<"gmap">>. GMapVal1 = foo. GMapVal2 = bar. {ok, {GMap, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({GMapVarName, GMapType}, GMapType). {ok, {GMap1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GMap, {apply, Key1, {set, Timestamp(), GMapVal1}}, self()). {ok, {GMap2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GMap1, {apply, Key1, {set, Timestamp(), GMapVal2}}, self()). {ok, {GMap3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GMap2, {apply, Key2, {set, Timestamp(), GMapVal1}}, self()). {ok, GMapRes3} = lasp:query(GMap3). % {ok,[{<<"key1">>,bar},{<<"key2">>,foo}]}
Multi-Value Map CRDT. MVMap = AWMap<MVRegister<V>>
- {set, Key, Value}
Set Key to Value
MVMapType = state_mvmap. MVMapVarName = <<"mvmap">>. MVMapVal1 = foo. MVMapVal2 = bar. {ok, {MVMap, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({MVMapVarName, MVMapType}, MVMapType). {ok, {MVMap1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(MVMap, {set, Key1, MVMapVal1}, self()). {ok, {MVMap2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(MVMap1, {set, Key1, MVMapVal2}, self()). {ok, {MVMap3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(MVMap2, {set, Key2, MVMapVal1}, self()). {ok, MVMapRes3} = lasp:query(MVMap3). [{K, sets:to_list(V)} || {K, V} <- MVMapRes3]. % [{<<"key1">>,[bar]},{<<"key2">>,[foo]}]
- {fst, Value}
Mutates the first item in the pair
- {snd, Value}
Mutates the second item in the pair
PairLeftType = state_lwwregister. PairRightType = state_gcounter. PairType = {state_pair, [PairLeftType, PairRightType]}. PairVarName = <<"pair">>. PairVal1 = foo. PairVal2 = bar. {ok, {Pair, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({PairVarName, PairType}, PairType). {ok, {Pair1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(Pair, {fst, {set, Timestamp(), PairVal1}}, self()). {ok, {Pair2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(Pair1, {snd, increment}, self()). {ok, {Pair3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(Pair2, {fst, {set, Timestamp(), PairVal2}}, self()). {ok, {Pair4, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(Pair3, {snd, increment}, self()). {ok, PairRes4} = lasp:query(Pair4). PairRes4. % {bar,2}
Observed-Remove Set with tombstones
- {add, Element}
Add Element to the Set
- {add_by_token, token(), element()}
Add Element to the Set by Token (orset internally generates a unique token for the element, therefore, it's not deterministic, this allows it to be explicit, and therefore deterministic)
- {add_all, ListOfElements}
Add a list of elements to the set
- {rmv, Element}
Remove Element from the set
- {rmv_all, ListOfElements}
Remove a list of elements from the set
ORSetType = state_orset. ORSetVarName = <<"orset">>. ORSetVal1 = foo. ORSetVal2 = bar. ORSetVal3 = baz. ORSetAllVals = [ORSetVal1, ORSetVal2, ORSetVal3]. {ok, {ORSet, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({ORSetVarName, ORSetType}, ORSetType). {ok, {ORSet1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(ORSet, {add, ORSetVal1}, self()). {ok, {ORSet2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(ORSet1, {add, ORSetVal2}, self()). % repeat value {ok, {ORSet3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(ORSet2, {add, ORSetVal1}, self()). {ok, {ORSet4, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(ORSet3, {add, ORSetVal3}, self()). {ok, ORSetRes4} = lasp:query(ORSet4). sets:to_list(ORSetRes4). % [bar,baz,foo] {ok, {ORSet5, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(ORSet4, {rmv, ORSetVal3}, self()). {ok, ORSetRes5} = lasp:query(ORSet5). sets:to_list(ORSetRes5). % [bar,foo] {ok, {ORSet6, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(ORSet5, {rmv_all, ORSetAllVals}, self()). {ok, ORSetRes6} = lasp:query(ORSet6). sets:to_list(ORSetRes6). % [] {ok, {ORSet7, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(ORSet6, {add_all, ORSetAllVals}, self()). {ok, ORSetRes7} = lasp:query(ORSet7). sets:to_list(ORSetRes7). % [bar,baz,foo]
Observed-Remove Set without tombstones
- {add, Element}
Add Element to the Set
- {add_all, ListOfElements}
Add a list of elements to the set
- {rmv, Element}
Remove Element from the set
- {rmv_all, ListOfElements}
Remove a list of elements from the set
- {filter, Function}
Filter elements in the set
AWSetType = state_awset. AWSetVarName = <<"awset">>. AWSetVal1 = foo. AWSetVal2 = bar. AWSetVal3 = baz. AWSetAllVals = [AWSetVal1, AWSetVal2, AWSetVal3]. {ok, {AWSet, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({AWSetVarName, AWSetType}, AWSetType). {ok, {AWSet1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWSet, {add, AWSetVal1}, self()). {ok, {AWSet2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWSet1, {add, AWSetVal2}, self()). % repeat value {ok, {AWSet3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWSet2, {add, AWSetVal1}, self()). {ok, {AWSet4, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWSet3, {add, AWSetVal3}, self()). {ok, AWSetRes4} = lasp:query(AWSet4). sets:to_list(AWSetRes4). % [bar,baz,foo] {ok, {AWSet5, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWSet4, {rmv, AWSetVal3}, self()). {ok, AWSetRes5} = lasp:query(AWSet5). sets:to_list(AWSetRes5). % [bar,foo] {ok, {AWSet6, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWSet5, {rmv_all, AWSetAllVals}, self()). {ok, AWSetRes6} = lasp:query(AWSet6). sets:to_list(AWSetRes6). % [] {ok, {AWSet7, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWSet6, {add_all, AWSetAllVals}, self()). {ok, AWSetRes7} = lasp:query(AWSet7). sets:to_list(AWSetRes7). % [bar,baz,foo]
Add-Wins Set CRDT with the provenance semiring:
add-wins set without tombstones
- {add, Element}
Add Element to the Set
- {add_all, ListOfElements}
Add a list of elements to the set
- {rmv, Element}
Remove Element from the set
- {rmv_all, ListOfElements}
Remove a list of elements from the set
AWPSSetType = state_awset_ps. AWPSSetVarName = <<"awset_ps">>. AWPSSetVal1 = foo. AWPSSetVal2 = bar. AWPSSetVal3 = baz. AWPSSetAllVals = [AWPSSetVal1, AWPSSetVal2, AWPSSetVal3]. {ok, {AWPSSet, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({AWPSSetVarName, AWPSSetType}, AWPSSetType). {ok, {AWPSSet1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWPSSet, {add, AWPSSetVal1}, self()). {ok, {AWPSSet2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWPSSet1, {add, AWPSSetVal2}, self()). % repeat value {ok, {AWPSSet3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWPSSet2, {add, AWPSSetVal1}, self()). {ok, {AWPSSet4, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWPSSet3, {add, AWPSSetVal3}, self()). {ok, AWPSSetRes4} = lasp:query(AWPSSet4). sets:to_list(AWPSSetRes4). % [bar,baz,foo] {ok, {AWPSSet5, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWPSSet4, {rmv, AWPSSetVal3}, self()). {ok, AWPSSetRes5} = lasp:query(AWPSSet5). sets:to_list(AWPSSetRes5). % [bar,foo] {ok, {AWPSSet6, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWPSSet5, {rmv_all, AWPSSetAllVals}, self()). {ok, AWPSSetRes6} = lasp:query(AWPSSet6). sets:to_list(AWPSSetRes6). % [] {ok, {AWPSSet7, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(AWPSSet6, {add_all, AWPSSetAllVals}, self()). {ok, AWPSSetRes7} = lasp:query(AWPSSet7). sets:to_list(AWPSSetRes7). % [bar,baz,foo]
Grow only set
- {add, Element}
Add Element to the Set
GSetType = state_gset. GSetVarName = <<"gset">>. GSetVal1 = foo. GSetVal2 = bar. GSetVal3 = baz. GSetAllVals = [GSetVal1, GSetVal2, GSetVal3]. {ok, {GSet, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({GSetVarName, GSetType}, GSetType). {ok, {GSet1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GSet, {add, GSetVal1}, self()). {ok, {GSet2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GSet1, {add, GSetVal2}, self()). % repeat value {ok, {GSet3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GSet2, {add, GSetVal1}, self()). {ok, {GSet4, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(GSet3, {add, GSetVal3}, self()). {ok, GSetRes4} = lasp:query(GSet4). sets:to_list(GSetRes4). % [bar,baz,foo]
Two-Phased Set Once removed, elements cannot be added again. Also, this is not an observed removed variant. This means elements can be removed before being in the set.
- {add, Element}
Add Element to the Set
- {rmv, Element}
Remove Element from the set
TPSetType = state_awset_ps. TPSetVarName = <<"awset_ps">>. TPSetVal1 = foo. TPSetVal2 = bar. TPSetVal3 = baz. TPSetAllVals = [TPSetVal1, TPSetVal2, TPSetVal3]. {ok, {TPSet, _, _, _}} = lasp:declare({TPSetVarName, TPSetType}, TPSetType). {ok, {TPSet1, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(TPSet, {add, TPSetVal1}, self()). {ok, {TPSet2, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(TPSet1, {add, TPSetVal2}, self()). % repeat value {ok, {TPSet3, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(TPSet2, {add, TPSetVal1}, self()). {ok, {TPSet4, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(TPSet3, {add, TPSetVal3}, self()). {ok, TPSetRes4} = lasp:query(TPSet4). sets:to_list(TPSetRes4). % [bar,baz,foo] {ok, {TPSet5, _, _, _}} = lasp:update(TPSet4, {rmv, TPSetVal3}, self()). {ok, TPSetRes5} = lasp:query(TPSet5). sets:to_list(TPSetRes5). % [bar,foo]