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🦋 🐘 🐦 @warianoguerra end to end - Part II: Frontend

This is the second and final part, the previous part is here: end to end - Part I: Backend, this part will be a little more complicated than necesary since I made a mistake in the first part and I carried it in the first implementation of the frontend, you can have a clean picture of the final result which doesn't include any cruft by reading the current code in the repository marianoguerra-atik/om-next-e2e.

Without further ado, here we go:

In the previous section I created one endpoint for queries and one for actions (or transactions), this was a confusion I had and is not needed, the om parser will call mutators or readers depending on what is passed, let's review the changes needed in the backend to make this a single endpoint:

If we run this changes and try the increment mutation like before but sending it to the query endpoint we will get an error:

$ echo '(ui/increment {:value 1})' | transito http post http://localhost:8080/query e2t -

Status: 500
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/transit+json
Content-Length: 33

{:error "Internal Error"}

To make it work we have to send it inside a vector:

$ echo '[(ui/increment {:value 1})]' | transito http post http://localhost:8080/query e2t -

Status: 200
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/transit+json
Content-Length: 6


Like in the frontend, we can send a list of places to re read after the transaction:

$ echo '[(ui/increment {:value 1}) :count]' | transito http post http://localhost:8080/query e2t -

Status: 200
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/transit+json
Content-Length: 18

{:count 2}

Now that we have all the changes in the backend let's review the frontend.

In this ui we just display hello world and is only to test that the figwheel and cljsbuild setup works.

You can try it running:

lein figwheel

And opening http://localhost:3449/index.html

Then we implement a counter component that only works in the frontend, if you read the documentation it shouldn't require much explanation.

Then we add cljs-http dependency that we will use to talk to the server from the frontend and we do some changes on the backend to serve static files from resources/public.

In the next commit we rename the increment mutation to ui/increment (ui isn't a good name for this, should have picked a better one).

We also require some modules and macros to use the cljs-http module and implement the :send function that is required by the reconciler if we want to talk to remotes, this is explained in the documentation in the Remote Synchronization Tutorial and the FAQ.

In this commit I did the increment transaction by hand because I couldn't get it to work since I was trying to pass ":remote true" to the mutator but not the query ast, you will see that in the next commit.

Then when Increment is clicked I make a transaction to increment it both locally and send it to the backend, I make the transaction on click which is handled at defmethod mutate 'ui/increment, notice the ":remote true" and ":api ast", :api is an identifier for a remote that I specified when creating the reconciler.

Now you can start the server with:

lein run

And open http://localhost:8080/index.html.

click increment, open it in another browser and click increment in one and then in the other one, see how they reflect the actual value after a short time where they increment it by one locally.

You can see a short screencast of this demo here: