couchdb on openshift (aka compile all the things!)
lo que costo esto no tiene nombre, al final el script queda sencillo pero lo que costo encontrar las razones para varias lineas es incontable.
en resumen, openshift esta muy bueno pero no tiene couchdb y yo lo necesitaba, asi que como no se puede instalar nada decidi hacer la gran linux from scratch y compilar couchdb y sus dependencias...
aca esta el resultado, maniana quizas haga un cartridge para que sea mas simple reusarlo:
#!/usr/bin/env sh # bailout on first error set -e # create dir to put all our stuff mkdir couchdb cd couchdb # handy variable BASEPATH=$PWD # get spidermonkey wget # get erlang wget # get couchdb wget # get ICU wget # unpack all tar -xzf js185-1.0.0.tar.gz tar -xzf otp_src_R15B03.tar.gz tar -xzf apache-couchdb-1.2.0.tar.gz tar -xzf icu4c-4_8_1_1-src.tgz # remove to avoid hiting the quota rm js185-1.0.0.tar.gz rm otp_src_R15B03.tar.gz rm apache-couchdb-1.2.0.tar.gz rm icu4c-4_8_1_1-src.tgz # build and install ICU cd icu/source ./configure --prefix=$BASEPATH/usr/ make && make install # build and install spidermonkey cd ../../js-1.8.5/js/src ./configure --prefix=$BASEPATH/usr/ make && make install # some step ahead chokes if this file exists rm js # build and install erlang cd ../../../otp_src_R15B03 ./configure --prefix=$BASEPATH/usr/ make && make install # build couchdb cd ../apache-couchdb-1.2.0 export PATH=$PATH:$BASEPATH/usr/bin/:$BASEPATH/usr/local/bin export ICU_CONFIG="$BASEPATH/usr/bin/icu-config --detect-prefix" export ICU_CPPFLAGS="-I$BASEPATH/usr/include/" ./configure --prefix=$BASEPATH/usr/ --with-js-lib=$BASEPATH/usr/lib/ --with-js-include=$BASEPATH/usr/include/js/ --with-erlang=$BASEPATH/usr/lib/erlang/usr/include/ make && make install # do some customizations cd $BASEPATH # customize couchdb defaults cat > usr/etc/default/couchdb << EOM # Sourced by init script for configuration. # we use the current username to run couchdb #COUCHDB_USER=couchdb COUCHDB_STDOUT_FILE=/dev/null COUCHDB_STDERR_FILE=/dev/null COUCHDB_RESPAWN_TIMEOUT=5 COUCHDB_OPTIONS= EOM # change port and bind_address where openshift expects DIY apps to serve cat > usr/etc/couchdb/local.ini << EOM [httpd] port = 8080 bind_address = $OPENSHIFT_INTERNAL_IP EOM # export this path to make couchdb load ICU lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$BASEPATH/usr/lib/ # finally start couchdb! usr/etc/rc.d/couchdb start
lo subo no vaya ser que un meteorito impacte en mi maquina y esto se pierda