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Hi, I'm Mariano Guerra, below is my blog, if you want to learn more about me and what I do check a summary here: or find me on twitter @warianoguerra or Mastodon


38 lineas de codigo..
para una minicompetencia

import sys, gtk, time, random
l = c = m = 10
def onMinaPressed( button, x , y, campo ):
if campo[ 'minas' ][ x ][ y ] == True:
print 'Perdiste'
sys.exit( 0 )
button.set_label( str( campo[ 'numeros' ][ x ][ y ] ) )

def getCampo( filas = 10, columnas = 10, minas = 10 ):
l = [ [ 0 for x in range( columnas ) ] for y in range( filas ) ]
m = [ [ False for x in range( columnas ) ] for y in range( filas ) ]
for x in range( minas ):
(x , y) = ( random.randint( 0, columnas - 1 ), random.randint( 0, filas - 1 ) )
while m[ y ][ x ] != False:
(x , y) = ( random.randint( 0, columnas - 1 ), random.randint( 0, filas - 1 ) )
m[ y ][ x ] = True
for i in range( -1,1 ):
for j in range( -1,1 ):
l[ x + i ][ y + j ] += 1
return { 'numeros' : l, 'minas' : m }

campo = getCampo( l, c, m )
w = gtk.Window()
w.set_title( 'HKmine' )
w.set_default_size( l * 15, c * 15 )
w.connect( 'delete-event', lambda *l: sys.exit( -1 ) )
v = gtk.VBox()
for y in range( l ):
h = gtk.HBox()
for x in range( c ):
b = gtk.Button( ' ' )
b.connect( 'clicked', onMinaPressed, x, y, campo )
h.pack_start( b )
v.pack_start( h )
w.add( v )

si, ahora vienen todos esos comentarios del tipo sos un **** ...