Mariano Guerra
ReactJS Stuttgart Meetup
March 2016
Mariano Guerra
Javascript, Python, Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Java
Event Fabric Frontend
Optimize components
Event Fabric Dashboard List
New Small Project
ReactJS based from start
Event Fabric Connect
Clojurescript + used reactjs underneath
If you build something users will abuse it
> 5MB events
1000s or rows from an sql query
Split in frontend
1000s of updates to UI components at once
Live filtering required
Old UI components based on jquery
pure dom mutation
one or more dom mutations per input
many dom mutations while live filtering
Rewrite components in React
no next step required
Customer requirement
Small self contained feature
Done from scratch
Experimental architecture
No dependencies
No React components (?)
Only use React.DOM
Only functions
Backend: Clojure
Frontend: Clojurescript +
No REST API remote abstraction
Inspired by Falcor and Relay
Unique global state
Better if immutable (immutable.js)
No component local state
No state
Use props
Components specify the content they need via a query (data)
No tree structure passing data down
Parent doesn't need to know what child needs
Queries can be used to construct a server request
Lib knows which components to re-render