Multi-Paxos with riak_ensemble Part 2
In the previous post I showed how to use riak_ensemble from the interactive shell, now I will show how to use rebar3 to use riak_ensemble from a real project.
This post assumes that you have erlang and rebar3 installed, I'm using erlang 19.3 and rebar3 3.4.3.
The source code for this post is at check the commits for the steps.
Create Project
rebar3 new app name=cadena cd cadena
The project structure should look like this:
. ├── LICENSE ├── ├── rebar.config └── src ├── cadena_app.erl ├── └── cadena_sup.erl 1 directory, 6 files
Configuring Dev Release
We do the following steps, check the links for comments on what's going on for each step:
Add overlay variables file vars.config
Add sys.config
Add vm.args
Build a release to test that everything is setup correctly:
$ rebar3 release
Run the release interactively with a console:
$ _build/default/rel/cadena/bin/cadena console
Output (edited and paths redacted for clarity):
Exec: erlexec -boot _build/default/rel/cadena/releases/0.1.0/cadena -boot_var ERTS_LIB_DIR erts-8.3/../lib -mode embedded -config _build/default/rel/cadena/generated.conf/app.1.config -args_file _build/default/rel/cadena/generated.conf/vm.1.args -vm_args _build/default/rel/cadena/generated.conf/vm.1.args -- console Root: _build/default/rel/cadena Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true] 18:31:12.150 [info] Application lager started on node 'cadena@' 18:31:12.151 [info] Application cadena started on node 'cadena@' Eshell V8.3 (abort with ^G) (cadena@>
(cadena@> q(). ok
Non interactive start:
$ _build/default/rel/cadena/bin/cadena start
No output is generated if it's started, we can check if it's running by pinging the application:
$ _build/default/rel/cadena/bin/cadena ping
We should get:
If we want we can attach a console to the running system:
$ _build/default/rel/cadena/bin/cadena attach
Attaching to /tmp/erl_pipes/cadena@ (^D to exit) (cadena@>
If we press Ctrl+d we can dettach the console without stopping the system:
(cadena@> [Quit]
We can stop the system whenever we want issuing the stop command:
$ _build/default/rel/cadena/bin/cadena stop
Let's try it.
Non interactive start:
$ _build/default/rel/cadena/bin/cadena start
No output is generated if it's started, we can check if it's running by pinging the application:
$ _build/default/rel/cadena/bin/cadena ping
We should get:
If we want we can attach a console to the running system:
$ _build/default/rel/cadena/bin/cadena attach
Attaching to /tmp/erl_pipes/cadena@ (^D to exit) (cadena@>
Now let's quit with q():
(cadena@> q().
Now let's see if it's alive:
$ _build/default/rel/cadena/bin/cadena ping Node 'cadena@' not responding to pings.
Be careful with how you quit attached consoles in production systems :)
Configure Prod and Dev Cluster Releases
Building Prod Release
We start by adding a new section to rebar.config called profiles, and define 4 profiles that override the default release config with specific values, let's start by trying the prod profile, which we will use to create production releases of the project:
rebar3 as prod release
===> Verifying dependencies... ... ===> Compiling cadena ===> Running cuttlefish schema generator ===> Starting relx build process ... ===> Resolving OTP Applications from directories: _build/prod/lib erl-19.3/lib ===> Resolved cadena-0.1.0 ===> Including Erts from erl-19.3 ===> release successfully created!
Notice now that we have a new folder in the _build directory:
$ ls -1 _build
default prod
The results of the commands run "as prod" are stored in the prod folder.
You will notice if you explore the prod/rel/cadena folder that there's a folder called erts-8.3 (the version may differ if you are using a different erlang version), that folder is there because of the include_erts option we overrided in the prod profile.
This means you can zip the _build/prod/rel/cadena folder, upload it to a server that doesn't have erlang installed in it and still run your release there.
This is a good way to be sure that the version running in production is the same you use in development or at build time in your build server.
Just be careful with deploying to an operating system too different to the one you used to create the release becase you may have problems with bindings like libc or openssl.
Running it is done as usual, only the path changes:
_build/prod/rel/cadena/bin/cadena console _build/prod/rel/cadena/bin/cadena start _build/prod/rel/cadena/bin/cadena ping _build/prod/rel/cadena/bin/cadena attach _build/prod/rel/cadena/bin/cadena stop
Building Dev Cluster Releases
To build a cluster we need at least 3 nodes, that's why the last 3 profiles are node1, node2 and node3, they need to have different node names, for that we use the overlay var files to override the name of each, that is achieved on config/vars_node1.config for node1, config/vars_node2.config for node2 and config/vars_node3.config for node3.
Now let's build them:
rebar3 as node1 release rebar3 as node2 release rebar3 as node3 release
The output for each should be similar to the one for the prod release.
Now on three different shells start each node:
./_build/node1/rel/cadena/bin/cadena console
Check the name of the node in the shell:
Do the same for node2 and node3 on different shells:
./_build/node2/rel/cadena/bin/cadena console ./_build/node3/rel/cadena/bin/cadena console
You should get respectively:
In case you don't remember, you can quit with q().
Joining the Cluster Together
Until here we built 3 releases of the same code with slight modifications to allow running a cluster on one computer, but 3 nodes running doesn't mean we have a cluster, for that we need to use what we learned in the Multi-Paxos with riak_ensemble Part 1 but now on code and not interactively.
For that we will create a cadena_console module that we will use to make calls from the outside and trigger actions on each node, the code is similar to the one presented in Multi-Paxos with riak_ensemble Part 1.
join([NodeStr]) -> % node name comes as a list string, we need it as an atom Node = list_to_atom(NodeStr), % check that the node exists and is alive case net_adm:ping(Node) of % if not, return an error pang -> {error, not_reachable}; % if it replies, let's join him passing our node reference pong -> riak_ensemble_manager:join(Node, node()) end. create([]) -> % enable riak_ensemble_manager riak_ensemble_manager:enable(), % wait until it stabilizes wait_stable(). cluster_status() -> case riak_ensemble_manager:enabled() of false -> {error, not_enabled}; true -> Nodes = lists:sort(riak_ensemble_manager:cluster()), io:format("Nodes in cluster: ~p~n",[Nodes]), LeaderNode = node(riak_ensemble_manager:get_leader_pid(root)), io:format("Leader: ~p~n",[LeaderNode]) end.
We also need to add the riak_ensemble supervisor to our supervisor tree in cadena_sup:
init([]) -> % get the configuration from sys.config DataRoot = application:get_env(riak_ensemble, data_root, "./data"), % create a unique path for each node to avoid clashes if running more % than one node in the same computer NodeDataDir = filename:join(DataRoot, atom_to_list(node())), Ensemble = {riak_ensemble_sup, {riak_ensemble_sup, start_link, [NodeDataDir]}, permanent, 20000, supervisor, [riak_ensemble_sup]}, {ok, { {one_for_all, 0, 1}, [Ensemble]} }.
Before building the dev cluster we need to add the crypto app to since it's needed by riak_ensemble to create the cluster.
Now let's build the dev cluster, I created a Makefile to make it simpler:
make devrel
On three different shells run one command on each:
make node1-console make node2-console make node3-console
Let's make an rpc call to enable the riak_ensemble cluster on node1:
./_build/node1/rel/cadena/bin/cadena rpc cadena_console create
On node1 you should see something like:
[info] {root,'node1@'}: Leading
Let's join node2 to node1:
./_build/node2/rel/cadena/bin/cadena rpc cadena_console join node1@
On node1 you should see:
[info] join(Vsn): {1,152} :: 'node2@' :: ['node1@']
On node2:
[info] JOIN: success
Finally let's join node3:
./_build/node3/rel/cadena/bin/cadena rpc cadena_console join node1@
Output on node1:
[info] join(Vsn): {1,453} :: 'node3@' :: ['node1@','node2@']
On node3:
[info] JOIN: success
Let's check that the 3 nodes have the same view of the cluster, let's ask node1 what's the ensemble status:
./_build/node1/rel/cadena/bin/cadena rpc cadena_console ensemble_status
Nodes in cluster: ['node1@','node2@','node3@'] Leader: 'node1@'
$ ./_build/node2/rel/cadena/bin/cadena rpc cadena_console ensemble_status
Nodes in cluster: ['node1@','node2@','node3@'] Leader: 'node1@'
$ ./_build/node3/rel/cadena/bin/cadena rpc cadena_console ensemble_status
Nodes in cluster: ['node1@','node2@','node3@'] Leader: 'node1@'
Everything looks right, stop the 3 nodes (q().) and start them again, you will see that after starting up node1 logs:
[info] {root,'node1@'}: Leading
And if you call ensemble_status on any node you get the same outputs as before, this means they remember the cluster topology even after restarts.