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🦋 🐘 🐦 @warianoguerra

tweets teledirigidos

@fibertel: gracias por ponerme de mal humor el domingo, metete tus mensajes de bienvenida windows only que bloquean el acceso a donde mas te plasca
@jquery: (hasta ahora) gracias
@ tengo router inhalambrico, las lan parties son cosa del pasado, wlan parties FTW


algo que acabo de decir autoquoteado a pedido de nassty.

anti-patterns de la vida: quemar un libro, talar un arbol y escribir un framework de php

me encantan las amenazas

si contara la cantidad de veces que me tendría que haber muerto por cadenas de mails no reenviadas, seria el ser humano mas muerto de la historia, pero este mail se paso.

el bajo nivel de redacción en el primer slide, algo así como "pepe de california envío este mail a 13 personas en 13 minutos y su vida cambio, ahora es millonario, jose de nueva york no lo envío y su gato le disparo 13 veces".

y la subliminalidad de la amenaza para que lo mandes es genial

realmente me gustaría saber quien inicia estas cadenas..

también admiro la incapacidad de usar herramientas de edición gráfica, en el slide anterior el fantasma metido en la foto, da pena.

si me muero en 13 días, esto va a ser el meme mas grande de la historia.

run forest run

rfr es un proyectito que empecé una noche, retome antes de ayer y termine ayer, la razón de su existencia es que en mi actual desktop (openbox+fbpanel) me faltaba un lanzador con historial y autocompleción, necesitaba algo simple, minimalista, como mi desktop.

Y como se dice por ahí del soft libre, si no existe, hacelo, así que eso hice y con la intención de rememorar mis 1337 skillz (léase programación en C), programe run forest run (rfr para el comando).

como una imagen vale mas que 1000 tweets, aca van los screenshots mostrando (en el orden que se le cante a blogger), el launcher, autocompletando y mostrando el historial.

la ultima version con un binario compilado para linux de 32 bits esta aca

licencia? GPL 3 :P

Frases sobre programacion

aclaro que los quotes que pongo sobre programacion son solo eso, quotes, no quiere decir que este 100% de acuerdo con todos, pero que si los pongo es porque al menos me hicieron reir.

C combines all the power of assembly language with all the ease of use of assembly language.

-- unknown

I'd just like to take this moment to point out that C has all the expressive power of two dixie cups and a string.

-- Jamie Zawinski, in the source code for xkeycaps

There is a point in your life when you realize that you have written enough destructors, and have spent enough time tracking down a memory leak, and you have spend enough time tracking down memory corruption, and you have spent enough time using low-level insecure functions, and you have implemented way too many linked lists.

-- Miguel de Icaza

Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: "Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp."

-- Philip Greenspun

Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons.

-- unknown, via Aaron Stern


C++ : an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog.

-- off

Think of C++ as an object-oriented assembly language.

-- off the guile Scheme mailing list

C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes it harder, but when you do, you blow your whole leg off.

-- Bjarne Stroustrup

Programming in C++ is premature optimization.

-- off comp.lang.python

The abstraction level of both C# and Java is mediocre; it's much better than C, somewhat weaker (!) than C++, and not nearly as good as languages that support both object-oriented and functional programming (such as Lisp and Ocaml). Therefore, I find programming in these languages to be pretty boring and tedious. Many of the scalability features in these languages are not, strictly speaking, part of the languages at all but of the environment(s) built up around the languages. For instance, the support for components, versioning, packaging and documentation generation are all features of the environments. I hope we will soon start to see these kinds of meta-features in better languages than Java or C#.

Python: executable pseudocode. Perl: executable line noise.

-- off comp.lang.python

Common Lisp and Scheme

Most people are just too damn dumb to recognise how great Lisp is.

-- off slashdot

[Lisp] is the only computer language that is beautiful.

-- Neal Stephenson

The journey of a thousand miles begins with an open parenthesis.

-- Rainer Joswig

Will write code that writes code that writes code for food.

-- Martin Rodgers

Those who do not understand lisp are doomed to re-implement it.

-- attributed to Erik Naggum, off comp.lang.lisp

One of the consequences of all these features is that it is extremely easy to implement new programming paradigms within the Lisp language. For instance, you can implement a full object-oriented system (or several different incompatible OO systems) within the Lisp language itself. For this reason, Lisp is sometimes referred to as a "language laboratory". Because of this, Lisp programmers often write their programs bottom-up by effectively writing a new program-specific language for the application and then writing the application in that language. Paul Graham's book On Lisp discusses this approach in great detail. Lisp is also an incredibly dynamic and flexible language; code can be compiled on the fly and modules can be re-loaded as needed. Despite this, Lisp compilers exist that are very efficient and can routinely produce code that is only (say) 1.5 times slower than optimized C code.

todos sacados de aca:

nota mental, leerlo de nuevo mas lento :P

Prism howto (flash plugin y sacar statusbar)

para instalar el plugion flash en linux hay que copiar a ~/.mozilla/plugins (si la carpeta plugins no existe, hay que crearla)

para sacar el status bar, hay que editar el archivo webrunner.xul que se encuentra en prism/chrome/webrunner.jar

hay que comentar desde la linea que empieza con "<statusbar id="statusbar">" hasta "</statusbar>" sacando los comentarios internos en caso de existir (en la 0.9 hay uno)

es mas un recordatorio que algo util para alguien, pero por si alguien lo googlea...

9 de julio

estudio y ...

hasta ahi todo mas o menos bien (excepto los temas de las conversaciones)



Update, esta puede ser mas interesante ;)

update, plugin flash :D


esto es un mensaje por si alguien googlea el problema, la solución es:

no nombre campos con el nombre "end"

listo, ahi fue una hora de mi vida por no poner nombres mas descriptivos a los errores..

Bjarne Stroustrup quote

Do you have any advice for up-and-coming programmers?

Know the foundations of computer science: algorithms, machine architectures, data structures, etc. Don't just blindly copy techniques from application to application. Know what you are doing, that it works, and why it works. Don't think you know what the industry will be in five years time or what you'll be doing then, so gather a portfolio of general and useful skills. Try to write better, more principled code. Work to make "programming" more of a professional activity and less of a low-level "hacking" activity (programming is also a craft, but not just a craft). Learn from the classics in the field and the better advanced textbooks; don't be satisfied with the easily digested "how to" guides and online documentation - it's shallow.